
Monday, August 4, 2014

Made it Monday and So Much More!

Once again I am linking with Forth Grade Frolics for Made it Monday. This week I really got back to work in my room getting ready for the new school year. A room reveal is in the making so hang on. We don't go back to school until August 25 so I'm not quite ready yet but soon, I promise. Yesterday was a really productive day for me. I went to school and I was the only one there! It is amazing how much you can get done when there is no one there to talk to! I also played my I pod nice ad  loud to keep me company- shh don't tell anyone!

On to what I actually made this week. For several years now I have had my students share supplies at their tables. They store them in white three drawer plastic carts. Well as you can imagine after 4 years my carts were not so pretty and white anymore. In fact last year several budding artists used their talents to decorate them with crayon and permanent marker; much to my horror and their delight.Well, this year I looked and looked and those really sad carts and knew I had to do something. I thought about buying new carts but I couldn't justify throwing out perfectly good carts just because they were ugly. So I decided that I could make them beautiful again, but how?
Ugly old cart!
I went to Walmart which is the place where all good problem solvers go and debated how to cover the ugly. I decided on the easiest and fastest way possible. Patience is NOT my strong suite especially when it comes to making things. I bought spray paint in six different colors and brought it all back to my classroom. Now I had to figure out how to do this without getting spray paint everywhere and making my school janitor mad. Every good teacher knows that a happy janitor means that things get fixed in your room. So I took this project outside and laid out some paper and got to work.
Keeping things clean!

Oh! I removed the drawers first as mine were still in good shape.  Then I spray painted my little heart out! Each cart took three coats of paint but look and the results!

They are so pretty and I love them!
Well, this is one of my favorite made its! My new outside bulletin board for the new year! I wish I could say that I did it all by myself but I can't! My amazing cousin Stephanie came to help me this week and created this spectacular board for me! So really this is a Cousin Stephanie made it! All I told her was it has to be cute and have lots of owls! Look at what she made! It is so awesome! I have taken about a thousand pictures already! I can't wait to see what my new students think!

 Finally dont' forget TPT is having a great back to school sale! Click on the link in the side bar to take you to my store and check out what I have been working on! 

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